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Find an Interpreter

If you would like to directly contract and hire and interpreter for your needs, these resources provide information to locate a credentialed practitioner.

Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

RID is the national professional and credentialing organization for American Sign Language/English interpreters in the United States. 

There are several generations of generalist and specialized credentials which are detailed here.

RID credentials are recognized nationally, and are validated credentials of the practitioner's skill.
The registry can be reviewed, based on credentials, location, and other requirements. 

Oklahoma Quality Assurance Screening Test

The ICRC, a program of the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services, administers the QAST credentialing system for the state of Oklahoma. The screening scores interpreters on a level from 1-5 for with corresponding limitations for the type of work each level can do. When seeking an interpreter, it is important to understand these limitations

Oklahoma Courtroom Interpreters

The Oklahoma Supreme Court's Administrative Office of the Courts and the Board of Examiners of Certified Court Room Interpreters maintains credentialing for interpreters within the state and district courts of Oklahoma. The Supreme Court also establishes rules for the appointment and payment of interpreters (SCAD 2021-53).

Oklahoma Educational Interpreters

The Oklahoma Educational Interpreter for the Deaf Act and SDE Administrative Rules establish the minimum requirements for Educational Interpreters in public (K-12) schools. The State Department of Education and Oklahoma School for the Deaf (a division of the Department of Rehabilitation Services) partner to maintain a registry of qualified interpreters.